Wednesday, July 29, 2009

it had been three weeks to the day

i made it three weeks without any contact with him. but today i called him. i really wasnt expecting him to answer. i was hoping to hear his voice on voicemail. but he answered. hello. it felt so wonderful to hear his deep voice. i cried and he asked what was wrong. i told him just about everything. see i dont feel like myself without you. im trying to keep going and acting like im cool with everything that happened but i feel like im losing myself. i told him i missed him. he says he misses me too. he said he thought idve found another guy by now. text me, he says. yea right. im not that crazy. so i got to hear his voice. and listen to him breathe for ten whole minutes on the phone. and it was heaven. it felt like home. but now its over and im just sitting in my near empty apartment. with all my boxes. about to move in with another man. a man that has the strongest love for me ive ever seen. but one i dont even begin to understand or reciprocate.

ive just got to keep it together until he comes back. god i feel so alone and fake.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

team team reunion

the day is approaching that team team shall be reunited in their journey to the ranch of john knox! and we will be joined by the new addition declan. only in fetus form. i am getting so excited! we need to formulate plans!! i propose that i drive into austin early thursday morning and we congregate somewhere. i would prefer not to drive because i will have just driven 150 miles but i can if no one else can. then we should proceed to the grocery store where we pick up a special treat for the counselors break room? possibly? or i can bring some things. i am going to call rick thursday and ask him about us coming to lunch singing and then rest break. ill let yall know what he says! which itd better be YES!!!!!

lets do some quality river chillin with a trip down the willy! i hope all goes as planned. i will also be taking my camera bc we are gonna document this like its the sisterhood of the traveling pants or something.

i miss you both and am counting the days :)

Thursday, July 9, 2009

the sadness is back

my roommate has moved out. goodbye jon. it is now me all alone in the four bedroom apartment. oh and he took his tv with him. so it is me literally all alone with no mindless picture box to stare at and redirect my attention. away from the sadness? the boredom? the sense of loss? the desire to wander?

So i have been spending lots of time with gary. i broke off my 'thing' with gabe. go me no cheating. we have been having lots of fun. he takes me to do things. he buys me gifts. he takes me to dinner. we go swimming together. its all lots of fun. but i always think to myself yea im having an alright time but i could be doing absolutely nothing with matt and i would be thrilled.

i hate myself. and i hate matt for leaving. i thought that him and i had something. in planet terror rosemcgowen and her boy say they are 'two against the world' and god i really thought of matt and i like that. ive text him to tell him i miss him or whatever but we arent really in contact. and he claims i dumped him. well really what happened is two days after he moved out there we talked on the phone i was sad and he hung up on me and said whatever. so i said fuck you dont talk to me again. i guess he saw that as his opportunity out. i am mostly hurt. and confused. and guilty. i got burned. maybe one day matt will remember me and what we had and think of it as highly as i do. i wanted to be something alternative, unique, and unlikely. we were opposites but we could love one another with so much passion. but now its all gone. HE is all gone. away to another state were there are slutty hoes that want to fuck him. and he is probably loving it. loving not being in a relationship or having to think about another persons feelings. who knows.

im certainly not getting any good fucks. gary sex. its awkward, its cheesy. it is not smooth or overwhelming or any of the qualities i want in sex. IT SUCKS. and my vagina does not enjoy it. what am i supposed to do with that.

my mom tells me to wait. dont commit to anything. dont overanalyze anything. just let it come and let it go. im trying. but i truely dont want to hurt gary. and sometimes i think maybe i should just give myself to him. i make him happy and he would take care of me. and what is the point of trying to find another man. do i want my heart broken again. matt is really gone. he left me here. just fucking left my ass here. sure he asked me to wait for him and all that but then i 'dumped' him. i guess im trying to be ready to give up the matt thing. but gary doesnt make me forget matt. he doesnt make me forget anything.

so as you can see..... i am very confused bored lonely and sad.