Tuesday, March 10, 2009

trust in the universe <3

so matt broke up with me. i cried for like a day and then went to my fitness training class and during it i realized that i had completely forgotten about it! i also watched this video about the best way to deal with a break up that this gay guy 'davey wavey' made and it was amazing! it helped me so much. he talked about how every relationship ends whether by break up divorce or death and that you shouldnt gauge a relationship by the amount of time you were in it but by what you learned about yourself and how youve grown. i realized matt changed my life, in fact he kind of saved my life!! he rescued me from becoming another brainwashed middle class white girl, he introduced me to drugs which opened my world to acceptance love experimentation acceptance and just plain dealing. he redifined my reality and for that i will always be thankful. although im handling this break up exceptionally well i am still very frustrated with mathew. see i know that he is making a mistake haha. basically i think he only wants a break and i wouldnt be surprised if one day we got back together when he has a car. maybe him and i just think differently but for me i know i love matt and i want to be with him through the hard times too but he is different and just wants a break. i dont know if i will want to get back together with him when that day comes but for now im really trying to accept what i cant change. its hard but im so very proud of myself for handling this so maturely. i havent run to gary. although some of my friends have been pretty fucking unhelpful (kendall, whitney) i am coming through it stronger and more independant with more self love!! also i met my tall sexy neighbor today and i now have a crush so that helps everything.
i still dont know what to do with school or my life or anything but living a day at a time isnt so bad. i decided to stay in cs over the summer and im excited!! it will be my first summer alone not a jkr and not at home. im going to work and party and possibly take a few classes. wish me luck! love you julie and i missssses you.

1 comment:

  1. i think you and i are pretty close to the exact same person.

    but you are a lot stronger than i am - and i admire that.

    i miss you. enjoy your last week with your wisdom teethies!
